Company portrait

SERIDRUCK GMBH in Lindenberg im Allgäu > About us > Company portrait

Company portrait

We have been active in screen printing for as long as it’s been available. We were printing posters with this process back in the 1950s, when screen printing was still a new form of technology. The use of adhesive films enabled us to expand and we became a specialist in the field of self-adhesive labels. The first electronically controlled roller screen printing machine was designed in line with our requirements and was put into operation in 1977.

Our system is proven over time!

Four state-of-the-art roller screen printing plants with a total of ten publications and three sheet-fed printing machines produce adhesive labels and front covers in both large and small batches. As well as screen printing, we also have a digital printing line and machines for thermal transfer printing.

years of experience


founded in


Satisfaction guarantee


Our history

Where does the company name come from?
 Screen printing, formerly known as “serigraphy”, is a printing process in which the ink is pushed through a fine fabric onto the material to be printed using a blade-like tool, namely a rubber squeegee. At the locations in the fabric where no ink is correspondingly printed, openings in the mesh are rendered impermeable using a template.


1958: Founded on 1 May

Roller screen printing & digital printing

1977: we were one of the first companies in Germany to use roller screen printing.
1999: Introduction of digital printing